
The music program fills the School’s vision of being a happy place of learning filled with art and music. Throughout their time at Norwood—from pre-kindergarten through eighth gradestudents study music as an artistic expression and as a technical skill to be practiced. Building year to year, the curriculum exposes students not only to different forms of musical expression but also to the music of different cultures. Often tied to the content of the other disciplines in the grade level, music class complements students’ other academic experiences. Performances give students the opportunity to show their accomplishments to audiences including peers, parents, and community members.

List of 8 items.

  • Pre-kindergarten

    The music program in pre-kindergarten consists of singing daily routines, using rhythmic instruments and learning songs in anticipation of a special sing-a-long taking place in the spring. The pre-kindergarten teachers instill a joyful sense of music and music-making in every child. Their goal is give each child a fun and developmentally appropriate experience in music to nurture a lifelong love music. Pre-kindergartners are natural musicians and relish the chance to sing, perform, and use instruments in the classroom and do this every day!
  • Kindergarten

    The kindergarten music program is devoted to instilling a joyful sense of music and music-making in every child. The goal is to develop students’ aesthetic sensibilities by increasing musical understanding through activities involving performing, listening, and creating. Kindergartners can look forward to learning a number of appealing and age-appropriate chants and multicultural folk songs that serve as the basis for fun and exploration! Kindergartners play games with these songs, play the rhythm instruments to accompany them, dramatize them, and dance to them. The basics of music literacy are also drawn from these songs. Carefully chosen recordings spark kindergartners’ imaginations, allowing them to express through story and movement. In the fall, kindergartners perform in a very child-friendly Halloween performance for their parents and the lower school community, showcasing the musical fun they are having in the classroom. Kindergarten students also perform a musical show in the spring.
  • First Grade

    The First Grade music program is devoted to instilling a joyful sense of music and music making in every child. The goal is to develop students’ aesthetic sensibilities by increasing musical understanding through activities involving performing, listening, and creating. First Graders use a variety of multicultural folk songs, chants, and recordings to delve into the world of music through irresistible activities including: playing rhythm instruments, playing xylophones, figuring out mystery songs (music reading), dancing/movement, dramatization, and improvisation on the tone bells. First Graders particularly enjoy ample opportunity to create stories/dances/pantomimes to match the structural and expressive qualities of listening selections. In addition, the First Graders perform in the Lower School Winter Concert and in their own age-appropriate and adorable staged musical program in the spring.
  • Second Grade

    The Second Grade music program is devoted to instilling a joyful sense of music and music making in every child. The goal is to develop students’ aesthetic sensibilities by increasing musical understanding through activities involving performing, listening, and creating. In addition to learning increasingly musically sophisticated chants and songs (many from a multicultural folk repertoire), Second Graders enthusiastically partake in activities involving playing rhythm instruments, playing xylophones, figuring out mystery songs (music reading), dancing/movement, dramatization, and improvisation on the tone bells. In addition, Second Graders enjoy opportunities for composing original music, sharing personal favorite recordings with the rest of the class, and performing in both the LS Winter Concert and a staged spring musical program based on the culture of either Japan or Ghana.
  • Third Grade

    The Third Grade music program is devoted to instilling a joyful sense of music and music making in every child.  The goal is to develop students’ aesthetic sensibilities by increasing musical understanding through activities involving performing, listening, and creating.  Third graders sing three and four part canons, partner songs, and ostinato part songs to delve into the world of choral harmonies.  They also begin to sing together as a chorus, learning healthy vocal technique including posture, breathing, and tone placement as well as developing the skills needed for music reading.  The Third Grade Chorus performs at the annual Lower School Winter Concert.  More class activities include creating rhythmic ostinatos on the drums, playing canons on the xylophones, and creating an original class canon.  As part of our spring program featuring American folk songs, third graders enjoy performing the Virginia Reel. 
  • Fourth Grade

    The Fourth Grade music program is devoted to instilling a joyful sense of music and music making in every child.  The goal is to develop students’ aesthetic sensibilities by increasing musical understanding through activities involving performing, listening, and creating.  Fourth graders experiment with increasingly sophisticated forms of creating harmony in chorus and enjoy performing at the Lower School Winter Concert.  They further develop their music reading skills through solfege and the playing of the recorder.  Attention is given to ensemble playing both with the xylophones, African drums, and recorders.  The focus of the spring semester is the American art form jazz and students eagerly embrace the rhythms, excitement, and sheer joy of this genre through improvised performance, dance, and song.  The spring program features the music and history of jazz and is a highlight of this final year in lower school.   Additionally, fourth graders participate in an annual field trip to hear the National Symphony Orchestra’s “Young People’s Concert,” an expertly produced live performance which inspires and entertains in a wonderfully age-appropriate manner.     
  • Grades 5 and 6

    In fifth and sixth grade, students select among three music tracks: orchestra, choir, and band. Building on the general skills students learned in lower school classes, these tracks apply students’ musical understanding to specific musical areas. While some students have prior experience with instruments, no experience is required and students are encouraged to stretch their musical abilities. Each group participates in seasonal concerts throughout the year, including a winter and spring concert.
    Orchestra members begin their study with proper techniques particular to their instruments, note and sight reading, learning to play as an ensemble, as well as basic music theory. Throughout their time in the orchestra, students’ build their skills year-to-year as they play musical selections from a diverse set of musical styles, from a range of cultures and religions. Importantly, as an ensemble, students learn to work collaboratively as a musical unit.
    Curriculum for the course extends the skills and concepts introduced in general music classes in the lower school. Playing a diverse range of music, students begin with fundamental lessons in particular instruments; as they develop competency with those, they are encouraged to branch out to work with other band instruments. As with the orchestra, skills build year-to-year and students participate in seasonal concert opportunities.
    Middle school choir builds habits that lead to successful performance. Students continue to develop a healthy vocal range and an aural image of good singing, while working on musicianship skills by solidifying their understanding of basic musical notation. Students continue to actively perform diverse musical selections that push them to develop a broad range repertoire of abilities. The selection of those pieces comes in part through student input. As the class learns about and discusses music from different cultures, eras, religions, and composers, they, in collaboration with the instructor, select performance pieces.
  • Grades 7 and 8

    In seventh and eighth grade, students my choose to continue their study of orchestra, choir, and band or may choose to play the handbells. Building on the general skills students learned in lower school classes, these tracks apply students’ musical understanding to specific musical areas. While some students have prior experience with instruments, no experience is required and students are encouraged to stretch their musical abilities. Each group participates in seasonal concerts throughout the year, including a winter and spring concert.
    Orchestra members begin their study with proper techniques particular to their instruments, note and sight reading, learning to play as an ensemble, as well as basic music theory. Throughout their time in the orchestra, students’ build their skills year-to-year as they play musical selections from a diverse set of musical styles, from a range of cultures and religions. Importantly, as an ensemble, students learn to work collaboratively as a musical unit.
    Curriculum for the course extends the skills and concepts introduced in general music classes in the lower school. Playing a diverse range of music, students begin with fundamental lessons in particular instruments; as they develop competency with those, they are encouraged to branch out to work with other band instruments. As with the orchestra, skills build year-to-year and students participate in seasonal concert opportunities.
    Middle school choir builds habits that lead to successful performance. Students continue to develop a healthy vocal range and an aural image of good singing, while working on musicianship skills by solidifying their understanding of basic musical notation. Students continue to actively perform diverse musical selections that push them to develop a broad range repertoire of abilities. The selection of those pieces comes in part through student input. As the class learns about and discusses music from different cultures, eras, religions, and composers, they, in collaboration with the instructor, select performance pieces.
    Beginning in seventh grade, students have the choice to participate in the bells ensemble, the Norwood Ringers. Building on the musical skills they have learned in earlier classes, students apply them to an entirely new instrument; they learn healthy ringing techniques, practice reading musical notation through daily sight reading, and learning the context of the era of their music selections. As with the other ensembles, students learn to collaborate as musicians to bring out the best in one another as performers. 

Lower School

List of 5 members.

  • Photo of Moyna Daley

    Moyna Daley 

    Lower School Strings Co-Coordinator
    University of Maryland - B.S. & B.Mus.Ed.
    Boston University - M.Mus.Ed.
  • Photo of Hannah Epstein

    Hannah Epstein 

    Lower School Music Teacher
    Swarthmore College - B.A.
    New York University - M.A.
  • Photo of Jordan Johnson

    Jordan Johnson 

    Lower School Strings Teacher
    University of Maryland - B.M.
  • Photo of Sylvia Lee

    Sylvia Lee 

    Lower School Strings Co-Coordinator
    University of Maryland - B.M.
    Ohio University - M.M.
  • Photo of Maria Lostoski

    Maria Lostoski 

    Lower School Music Teacher
    Catholic University - B.Mus.Ed. & M.M.

Middle School

List of 4 members.

  • Photo of Maximilian Nolin

    Max Nolin 

    Assistant Head of Middle School and 7/8 Handbells Teacher
    Baldwin Wallace University - B.M.
    Westminster Choir College - M.M.
  • Photo of Stephen Crisp

    Stephen Crisp 

    Middle School Drama Teacher and Advisor
    Minnesota State University - B.F.A.
    Shenandoah Conservatory - M.M.
  • Photo of Joseph Cunliffe

    Joe Cunliffe 

    Middle School Band Teacher and Advisor
    Catholic University of America - B.M.
  • Photo of Devon Oviedo

    Devon Oviedo 

    Middle School Strings Teacher and Advisor
    Washington Adventist University - B.S. & B.M.
Located in Bethesda, MD, Norwood School develops students in grades PK-8 into confident lifelong learners who have the academic, character, and leadership skills to succeed in high school and beyond. Recognizing that children are multi-faceted, Norwood provides many opportunities for safe risk-taking, exploration, discovery, and growth in a nurturing, supportive, and inclusive school community.